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02.Mobile Telecommunications Infrastructure Business
The environment surrounding telecommunications continues to evolve at a dizzying pace with the changing times. This evolution is not going to stop. The importance of mobile communication infrastructure is increasing as we live in an age where it is almost impossible to live in society without smartphones. With the rapid introduction of IoT, many things are now connected through LTE and 5G, and the volume of traffic is increasing in proportion to the increase in the communication capacity usages of smartphones.
We support various wireless carriers and help them meet the needs of society by safely constructing their critical wireless infrastructure with the best quality and on time delivery. We contribute to social development and meet wireless infrastructure needs through a centralized management system that covers everything from area acquisition to design, consultation, construction, testing, and maintenance. With the evolution from LTE to 5G, and the reality of moving toward 5G evolution & 6G evolution in the future, it is necessary to underpin the mobile infrastructure that will support the transformation of an increasingly sophisticated society. We will contribute to the development of society, acquire new knowledge and skills and acquire the ability to apply them, and create a process for the realization of a new society.
In-house integrated indoor/outdoor base station construction system
For indoor/outdoor base stations, we are working on an integrated system from installation for each telecommunications carrier to installation for sharing companies. Outdoor stations are also important because they have significant impacts on many user services, such as area expansion. The construction of indoor base stations is an area expansion based on the measures to prevent undetectable signals within a building. With the development of high-rise buildings and underground spaces, measures are being taken to expand the mobile communications area indoors. We are also implementing measures for boosters and repeaters, and are working on small area expansions.